
I am currently working on several related projects. I am interested in the ethics and politics of representation, particularly in creative representations of modernity’s violent histories. I am interested too in associated questions of relationality, touch and care—what an ethical form of relating to others might mean today—and how contemporary writers, researchers and artists engage these topics in their practice.

I am completing my first book Reading Frictions: Memory, Violence and the Politics of Touch in Contemporary World Literature. The book discusses representations of intertwined histories of modern violence. It explores whether contemporary writers’ engagements with touch generate new possibilities for resistance and relationality.

With Dr Ruth Daly, I co-edited a special issue of parallax ‘Reading Otherwise’, which offers a series of in-conversations on decolonial feminisms today.

In response to my previous role as Curator at the German Historical Institute, I am developing work on the ethics of curation and the future of the museum. I am also tentatively beginning work on a new project which explores the representation, and ‘recyling’, of textiles in postcolonial texts.